About us
We are a company operating in the IT field, we focus on issues in the area of data mining and web solutions. Our offer includes courses in statistical methods of data analysis using the Python language, performing data analysis on request for business intelligence purpose, creating mobile applications as well as building websites and stores. An important part of activity is SPC software including interfaces to Digimatic equipment manufactured by Mitutoyo. We create custom made interfaces to other measurement equipment ordered by customers as well as applications using maps. We are based in Kraków, old university town with great intellectual resources in various fields.
Mobile apps
Products on request
Web development
we develop websites and online stores
Courses of data mining
Using Python and Libraries
Data science
Business Intelligence
Mobile apps
- Native Android and iOS design and programming,
- Advanced and precise multiplatform implementations of complex multimedia graphic designs,
- Online, offline apps with on-demand support for data synchronization with the servers (via web services),
- Geolocation, mapping (online and offline),
- Multimedia streaming,
- High performance apps, resource utilization control etc.
- Car engine testing applications,
- Websites and online stores using WordPress, WooCommerce and Presta Shop,
- Unusul applications on request,
- Services for existing websites like refreshing, upgrading to newer versions of CMS platforms etc.
Our realizations:
Data mining
We are living in a “Golden Age of Artificial Intelligence” Jeff Bezos says.
Numerous data warehouses and the growing amount of data make it possible to analyze statistically this data using advanced methods. This allows us to discover dependiences and connections that allow us to better understand the reality around us in almost all areas of life. Analytical processes used to study huge data resources (big data) are often related to economic or market issues, but also have applications in various fields of science. Their aim is to detect regular patterns or correlations between variables. In business, they are used to predict phenomena by applying the detected patterns to new subsets of data.
Data science course
The Data Science and Python course provides a complete overview of Python analysis tools and techniques. Learning Python is central to many roles in data Science. Having knowledge of Python will be the path to a career as a data Scientist. The course introduces you to the Python language, teaches you how to use it to verify data,and how to use the libraries available in it to perform analyzes of this data, and how to use libraries available in it to perform analyzes of this data on large sets of data.
Business Intelligence
We offer, among others:
– statistical analysis of data in science and business,
– mobile and web applications for data science,
– support for clinical trials from study design to interpretation of results,
– bioinformatics analyzes, including genetic data with the interpretation of the results,
– analysis of financial and insurance mathematics models,
– support for research work from the research design to the interpretation of results and responses to reviews,
– analyzes for diploma theses, including doctorates,
– analysis and development of algorithms.
The Profile of the Coach
Doctor of the Jagiellonian University, graduate of the application of mathematics, programmer. He has published in the Philadephia List journals: Journal of Vegetation Science, Springer Proceedings in Statistics, BMC Bioinformatics, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Plos One. Programming trainer, programming and data analysis practitioner: lead consultant for data analysis in two Polish companies.
Contact us
+48 510 638 833